Like humans, the main component of your pet’s body is water. This is why consciously selecting and inspiriting drinking water not only increases your pets well being and vitality; the CrownJuwel pet bowl also raises the attractiveness of vital water for your animal. Tests have shown a significant increase in water consumption...A sufficient supply of fresh water might save you some costly visits to the Veterinarian.
And the best thing is: Your four-legged friend will LOVE IT!

- Created with the help of Veterinarians.
- Sturdy and bite resistant surface made from (70% bamboo/cornstarch/wood, 30% food safe artificial resin).
- Gemstones inside the glass GemPod vitalize the water.
- Gemstone blend is tailored to the special needs of cats and dogs.

Each sealed glass gem pod in the Crown Juwel pet bowl is filled with a unique gemstone blend, and provides a convenient and sanitary way to change everyday tap, filtered, or bottled water into gemwater in just 7-10 minutes!
Green Jade (Nephrite) - Strengthens Vitality and your Pet's Immune System
Brown Agate - for Strength of Character
Clear Quartz - the most powerful crystal in the Mineral Kingdom. It Heightens Awareness and Amplifies the Energies of the other crystals
Green Peridot - for Mind/ Body Balance to help heal your furry friend
Pink Mangano Calcite encourages Peaceful Social Behavior and Compatibility
Ships within 3 days of purchase
Available in Three Colors: Cloud White, Slate Grey,and Ocean Blue
Sorry, adorable fluffy puppy is not included - Please check your local shelter for cute puppies and kitties to adopt! like here! (opens in a new window)

Click to See our other vitajuwel products
Click to buy the personal Wellness Gem Water Bottle

and see the Grande Gem Water Dispenser