Healthy Happy Quarantine! What to do about exercise, homeschooling etc.

Now is the perfect time y'all!

Are you under quarantine and can't get to the gym? Yoga and Qi Gong classes at home is hands-down the best alternative! Stream hundreds of exercise videos on GAIA whenever you want!

Have you been freaking out a little about the current global situation? Yoga  and guided meditations at home is going to help calm and ease your mind!

Are you at home with your kids and stressing about homeschooling? Yoga classes at home is perfect for the kiddos! Its time to teach your kids the value of exercising your body as well as your mind and spirit?

Are your family members driving you nuts with their excess energy? The yoga and meditation videos on GAIA will instantly calm the vibes in your home!

I can't recommend enough how much value you will get from the GAIA streaming network! And there is soooo much more than just yoga videos! You really need to check it out for yourself!.....less than 10$ a month. That’s less than 35 cents per day for yoga classes!

Use my affiliate links in this blog to sign up. It helps me, helps you, and helps the world!


Take care of each other! xoxox

Jules @ Clarity Cove



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